New Boise LEGO BRICK Store in Treasure Valley
About Brick and Tell – Lego Creations Online
Welcome to BrickAndTell –
It’s the only place on the web where you can get your own builder’s profile, show all of your amazing Lego creations and share them with other Lego builders around the world. It’s true, you can get a quick account (only $15 per year) and start showing off your brick building abilities today!
What is “BrickAndTell”
BrickAndTell might sound familiar to you. That’s good, because it is just like “show and tell” – but our site is only for “Lego building creations. You see, there’s something very special in each of us Lego brick builders and we want our site to be your site as well. So, here, within our pages – you can post your best Lego brick building designs that you’ve ever made and let others see your true abilities. Don’t worry, BrickAndTell is for all ages of builders – from the youngest to the oldest – from the beginners to the experts – we want everyone to have a chance to show the world what they can build.
Ratings and Reviews
Did you know that your friends, your family members and other brick builders from around the internet can not only see your creations – but they can rate and review them too? Yes, anyone can sign up for an account (only $15 per year) and start rating and reviewing Lego creations today. Of course, we want all of our site users to “play fair” and to leave reviews that are uplifting and encouraging. We’re not here to hurt anyone’s feelings, because everyone has their own particular way that they like to design with bricks. So when you do leave reviews, be sure to leave the kinds of reviews that you’d want someone to leave for you. Let’s keep it fun and constructive for everyone.
Fun – Contests – Prizes – and More Fun!
In the near future, we’ll also have contests and prizes for all of our members. Yes, we’re pulling out all of the stops and you might just win a prize for your creativity and ability to build with great skill.
For instance, we might say that “In August, we’re giving away an Amazon gift card to the BrickAndTell member that can build the best Lego “Monkey.”
…And then we’ll create a special place where you can enter and post your Monkey and other members can vote on it. We’ll pick a winner from the design that gets the highest ratings and reviews – then we’ll mail you your prize and announce to the world that you were the winner!
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