niedziela, 24 lipca 2016

How to Get Views on YouTube with SEO – If you want to know how to start a gaming channel on YouTube, how to get more views on YouTube, or how to start a grow a channel in 2016, you need to sign up for this course.

If you’re wondering how to start a YouTube gaming channel, I’m here to help. Having spent the past few years working in YouTube SEO, video optimization, and gaming, I’ve picked up a few tips that will help you grow your YouTube channels. The main focus for starting a YouTube channel in 2016 is SEO – with so many other channels diluting the platform, you need to do everything you can to stand out and get people to watch your videos. Quality search engine optimization is the way to do it.

In this video I show you three tools for researching keywords, as well as another way to upload videos to YouTube that give them an extra boost in rankings.


Sign up for our professional YouTube Gamer Training Progam at If you do so before July 24th, you get an extra 20% off!

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